Region 6 Solid Waste Management Outreach & Education Resources 



To carry out the services we provide and to maintain the unique programs and identity within our region, these are the committees that have been established.

Inter-Municipal Committee

Region 6 was established by the Solid Waste Resource Management Regulations in 1998 and as such, are bound by the terms of an Inter-Municipal Agreement. The services agreed to are overseen by a committee made up of an elected official from each member unit in Region 6.

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Regional Chairs Committee

The Regional Chairs Committee is made up of each Chair for the seven solid waste regions in Nova Scotia. This committee provides an ongoing forum for the discussion of solid waste-resource management in Nova Scotia. It provides a regular opportunity to meet and exchange information from a municipal/regional perspective in partnership with NSE and Divert NS, Municipal Affairs and NSFM.

Each Regional Chair will liaison, report to and represent their Regional Committee/ Authority.

Regional Coordinators

This Committee provides a forum for discussion of solid waste-resource management in Nova Scotia and a regular opportunity to meet and exchange information from a municipal/regional perspective primarily relating to administrative function supporting operations, education and enforcement.

Each coordinator acts as a liaison, reports to individual regional committees and is also an administrative support to provincial committees.

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Technical Committee

The Region 6 Technical Committee is made up of senior operations staff members. The Committee provides recommendations to the Inter-Municipal committee that will maintain, improve and support solid waste programs.

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